I am having problems with controls rendering from the proper directories. If I specify a global theme in the web.config, it tries to find the image files in the App_Themes directory instead of my specified in the web.config (http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2007.3/CLR2.0/html/Web_Deploying_an_Application_to_a_Hosted_Server_Environment.html).
Does the specification of a theme trump the Infragistics settings?
Can you be a little more specific as to what you're doing and what's happening? What does your web.config look like? What does your theme look like? Where are you expecting the images to be found, and what image urls are actually being used? Hopefully we can get you all sorted out once we have that info.
Here is what I've got:
<pages theme="MyTheme">
Here's the relevant section from the web.config:
<section name="infragistics.web" type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
<infragistics.web imageDirectory="~/Scripts/20073.1043/images" javaScriptDirectory="~/Scripts/20073.1043/Scripts" cssDirectory="~/Scripts/20073.1043/Styles" formsDirectory="~/Scripts/20073.1043/Forms/WebSchedule"/>
When I was coming up with the skin the first time, I created a button, made all of my settings and then copied the html to the skin file:
<igtxt:WebImageButton runat="server" UseBrowserDefaults="False">
<Style Cursor="Hand" Font-Size="11px">
<RoundedCorners HeightOfBottomEdge="0" HoverImageUrl="ig_butMac2.gif" ImageUrl="ig_butMac1.gif" MaxHeight="23" MaxWidth="300"
PressedImageUrl="ig_butMac4.gif" RenderingType="FileImages" WidthOfRightEdge="13" />
Then, in my application, call the button:
<igtxt:WebImageButton ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" Text="Update" TabIndex="5" />
Do I have to specify the full path for the images? Is this why?