hi ;
i am trying to set the size, position, and contentURL of a webmodaldialog from the client-side and i have successful set them. however, when i have the WebModalDialog set to Modal i get an error the first time i display the WebModalDialog. when the WebModalDialog is not set to modal, i do not get the error.
the error occurs in
switch(Sys.Browser.agent) { case Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation = function Sys$UI$DomElement$getLocation(element) { /// <param name="element" domElement="true"></param> /// <returns type="Sys.UI.Point"></returns> var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [ {name: "element", domElement: true} ]); if (e) throw e; if (element.self || element.nodeType === 9) return new Sys.UI.Point(0,0); var clientRects = element.getClientRects(); if (!clientRects || !clientRects.length) { return new Sys.UI.Point(0,0); } var w = element.ownerDocument.parentWindow; var offsetL = w.screenLeft - top.screenLeft - top.document.documentElement.scrollLeft + 2; var offsetT = w.screenTop - top.screenTop - top.document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2; var f = w.frameElement || null; if (f) { var fstyle = f.currentStyle; offsetL += (f.frameBorder || 1) * 2 + (parseInt(fstyle.paddingLeft) || 0) + (parseInt(fstyle.borderLeftWidth) || 0) - element.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft; offsetT += (f.frameBorder || 1) * 2 + (parseInt(fstyle.paddingTop) || 0) + (parseInt(fstyle.borderTopWidth) || 0) - element.ownerDocument.documentElement.scrollTop; }
the element.ownerDocument.documentElement is null.
i only get this on the first time i display the WebModalDialog and it only happens with IE. i have IE 6.0.
here is the client-side code.
objHelp.setSize( strWidth, strHeight ) ; var resultVar = objHelp.set_moveable( true ); objHelp.set_initialLocation( true ) ; objHelp.set_windowState($IG.DialogWindowState.Normal); objHelp.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl("xxx.aspx?HelpCode=1");
any ideas about the error and also am i able to set the Modal vs NonModal property from the client-side..
i would like to be able to use the same WebDialogWindow for both.
Hi Bill,
If I understood correctly you have problem only when you use custom code on client. I guess codes in your post show point where exception is raised. It looks like a bug in function getLocation. WebDialogWindow does not use that, but it uses $util.getPosition(elem). If problem in that function, then I suggest you to find out where that call comes from (debug stack or whatever). If it is part of your logic, then you may try to modify it: maybe add validation for document.readyState=='complete', or replace it with getPosition, etc.
hi Viktor;
the only code i am using on the client-side is CSOM to display the WebDialogWIndow. i created a sample web application to send you. how can i get it to you.
Bill Cottrell