I am doing up a webchart that is displaying 13 rows BAR Charts. In each row, there are 2 column.
The issue i am raising is that when i put the Y Axis Series labels to Veritical position, it will overlapped each other as each rows has only 2 column and the Series labels is too long. I tried to change the Series labels to Horizontal Position, but then it overlapped the column label.
Please provide some advises.
Your help is very much appreciated.
Say Chao
Try using different layout behaviors for the series labels. With long labels and limited space, it might be best to clip and maybe stagger the labels. You can do this by adding a ClipTextBehavior and StaggerBehavior to chart.Axis.Y.Labels.SeriesLabels.Layout.BehaviorCollection and setting chart.Axis.Y.Labels.SeriesLabels.Layout.Behavior to UseCollection. You can also implement IRenderLabel to manipulate the labels.
You can find more information on these scenarios here:http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2007.3/CLR2.0/html/Chart_Customize_Labels_Using_the_IRenderLabel_Interface.htmlhttp://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2007.3/CLR2.0/html/Chart_Using_the_Behaviors_Collection.html
Hi Max,
Is this "chart.Axis.Y.Labels.SeriesLabels.Layout.BehaviorCollection" a new properties in Infragistic 2007 Version 3?
I am using Infragistic 2005 Version 2, as such, i can't find the stated properties.