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Drilldown with tooltip in UltraWebChart


To enable the tooltip drill down, in the chart tooltip properties I've added 

iframe src=tooltip.aspx?ROW=DATA_ROW&COL=DATA_COLUMN

and my tooltip.aspx page_load is something like this where value1, value2, and value 3 are session variables I obtain from the parent page and GetData is the function which has the database connectivity and SP information.

        Dim ROW As Integer

        Dim COL As Integer

        If Not Page.Request("ROW") Is Nothing Then

            ROW = CInt(Page.Request("ROW"))

        End If

        If Not Page.Request("COL") Is Nothing Then

            COL = CInt(Page.Request("COL"))

        End If

      If periodvalue Is Nothing Or facvalue Is Nothing Or provvalue Is Nothing Then

            Dim dt1 As DataTable = GetData("Stored_Proc", 4, 0, 0, 0, 901, 0, 0, 0)

            Me.chtTest.Data.DataSource = dt1



            Dim dt As DataTable = GetData("Stored_Proc", 4, value1, value2, 0, value3, 0, 0, 0)

            Me.chtTest.Data.DataSource = dt


        End If

My question for you is, the chart on tooltip is now currently showing the same data as on the parent chart. To drill down, I need to show the tooltip chart so that it displays the data below the parent chart. I am not sure how to capture that value and pass it to the SP. Row and Col bring back the row and column on the SP, but the Stored procs do not accept those params. Please advice.


Parents Reply Children