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No AutoPostback

I have a DropDownProvider for a WebDataGrid  that is working as expected, but am not getting a postback when the selection has changed

The WebDataGrid is within an UpdatePanel

Also, I would like to know how to preselect the value matching the target (the dropdown list initially has nothting selected even though the cell has a value in the list.  The second time the dropdown is selected (on a different row), it has the prevously selected value from the different row...)

Thank you!

      <ig:DropDownProvider ID="StatusProvider">
       <EditorControl ID="StatusEditor" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown"  TextField="TaskStatusText" AutoPostBack="true">
      <ig:DropDownProvider ID="AssigneeProvider">
       <EditorControl ID="AssigneeEditor" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown" TextField="ASSIGNEENAME" AutoPostBack="true">

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  • 24671
    Verified Answer


    You will need to define an empty <ClientEvents /> tag For auto postback to work. Currently this is a known limitation. I guess you also have the server-side event handler already defined for SelectionChanged.

    <ig:DropDownProvider ID="StatusProvider">
           <EditorControl ID="StatusEditor" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDown"  TextField="TaskStatusText" AutoPostBack="true">

    <ClientEvents />


    Note that if you have auto postback for the dropdown when it is inside a grid, when the autopostback takes place, the grid value won't get updated this way. I suggest setting autopostback on the grid and using some of the grid events, like RowUpdating or ExitedEditMode. 

    I hope this helps,

