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Using SQL DataSource ?!

Hi, can't seem to get this one working. Here's what I did;

1-Loaded the provided sql file and created a mdf file out of it (everything worked fine)
2-Attached the mdf file to my project, with working connectionstring, etc.
3-Created a blank form with a working sqlDatasource, a webscheduleinfo and finally WebScheduleSqlClientProvider, a webmonthview, all binded together properly of course.

I always get that "provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server". If I switch to a WebScheduleOleDbProvider, it will simply ignore my sqldatasource and work with the default access database. Heck, even with an access datasource, it'll ignore it and work with the default database located in my documents folder.

Needless to say I need to work with a sql mdf file. Please let me know how to make all of this work, I tried all day ! Thanks

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