How I can localize public messages the grid is displaying? For example filter rules like 'Clear All', 'Contains' and etc. I want to display these kind of messages in customer's language.
Can I provide resource assembly for specific culture for that or I have to override something in somewhere?
Or is this even possible? It would be dissapointing if that kind of thing wouldn't be possible...
I"ve got the exact same problem
If someone as an answer it would be great.
I have uploaded a document which gives you step by step directions on how this can be done.
Hello Bert,
The .resx files are not installed in Program Files or in the samples folders. They are only distributed in the source code zip.
If you have registered the product on our website, you should see a table of registered products on your "My Keys and Downloads" page. Click on the product in that table. It will bring up a second table below that with multiple tabs. The first tab lists the installers. Click on the "Source Code" tab and you should see the source code zip there. If it does not appear, I can forward your inquiry to our support staff who can create a case for you.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
-Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
Hi, can someone please give me pointers to where i can find the needed resx file?
Under mykeys & downloads i can't find any source code, only the entire installers.
I've been searching on my computer under the installed folder in program files and the samples folders in public documents but can't find it anywhere. I'm working with version 16.1
Hello Fernando,
Yes, this is valid for Infragistics45.Web.v15.1.dll too.
Could you please confirm that you used this filename in all of the steps? The document uses Infragistics4.Web.v14.1.dll as an example, but this would need to be changed to Infragistics45.Web.v15.1.dll as well as the .resources.dll. The generated file would be**.resouces, depending on the regional culture code (ex. es-ES or es-MX).
If you completed the steps to create the satellite assembly successfully, but it shows up in English when testing, you could try to hardcode the culture in the <globalization> element just to test. This should achieve the same effect as if you set the browser language preference (as shown on pages 4 and 5).
If you're testing on a different machine, the signing needs to be done on that test machine.
If you're still not seeing the filters in Spanish, I can forward your request to our support team so you can more easily share files through a case.
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
Is it valid for Infragistics45.Web.v15.1.dll?
I followed all steps but It doesn`t work for me... I still seing filters in English. (I'd like to translate to spanish).
I renamed to es-ES instead of CH as the document says.
I have updated Olga's document for version 14.1.
This accounts for changes to the ASP.NET product file names, and adds instructions on how to download the source code.