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Cross-Browser Compatibility


Bear with me if none of this makes any sense.

I’m using VS2005, and looking for a list, where I can see witch browsers is compatible with ASP.Net controls. I’m looking for IE6,IE7,IE8, Firefox3.0, Safari3.2.

What browsers are compatible when:
Using VS2005, with .Net 2.0 and ASP.Net controls.
Using VS2005, with .Net 3.5 and ASP.Net controls.

Hope someone can help.


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  • 45049
    Verified Answer

    Take a look at the Supported Environments page of our website.

    This page lists environments (including browsers) on a per-platform basis.  Our ASP.NET controls are listed separately from our ASP.NET AJAX controls, since the ASP.NET AJAX controls are supported on more browsers.  Any browsers supported for a particular version of the toolset are supported regardless of the version of Visual Studo and the .NET Framework is in use, unless otherwise noted.

    Because Microsoft does not support the use of Visual Studio 2005 in conjunction with version 3.5 of the .NET Framework, neither do we.  We recommend using Visual Studio 2008 if you intend to develop an application targeting version 3.5 of the .NET Framework.
