I try to use the EditorProviders width the WebDateChooserProvider for date fields this works fine. But when I use the WebDateChooserProvider for a nullable column then I get the error below.
Editor with ID: NullableDateColumn cannot edit column with Key: NullableDateColumn. The editor does not support the column type.
Is it a known issue that WebDateChooserProvider not support nullable datetime fields. Is there a solution to use the EditorProvider for nullable datetime?
The problem was not reported to us yet. I have created a bug report for it. Please contact the developer support to be added to the notification list. As soon as the problem is resolved you will be notified. The work item to mention is: 18040.
Thank you.
I'm looking for the work item 18040. But I can't find it. Maybe you have a direct link to the webpage with extra information of this bug.
Thank you
Have you contacted the dev support and provided them with this work item number?
It is marked as internal for now. As soon as your contact information gets associated with it it will become public.