Are there any plans to give a browse button for insert image? I really can't expect my users to be able to put in the full path to the image plus the image name. It'll be a support nightmare
The Infragistics HTML Editor allows you to browse for an Image when you click the insert button. I wish I could say the same for the editor used for these forums
Tony, call me AR, but when I look at the source code generated by the designer, I see a lot of perceived issues that the IDE has with the IG markup, and these images are one of them. I don't make use of full paths when we use the IG controls, as I can't guarentee how virtual directories are mapped from one server to the next. But I notice that I cannot make use of the server name when specifying paths to IG images. The IG control just magically finds the images relative to ig_common, but the IDE gives me the squiggly lines anyway. Kind of a rant, but from my AR point of view, it annoys me to see generated perceived errors in HTML markup.
Well, yeah, approot would be appropropiate for images which are in my application. In the case of images that I am referring to in the /ig_common directory, they would reside outside of my application. Still, I am not in the habit of specifying the path as '/ig_common/images/myimage.gif'...As I don't think that the IG designer likes that scenario either. Like I said, more of a rant than a real issue.
Image Urls in the NetAdvantage controls are combined with the ImageDirectory property (which defaults to /ig_common). However, the validator used for visual studio isn't looking at the final combined path, it's only looking at the single path defined on the imageurl. The result is that VS identifies the path as invalid. I normally use the approot syntax to define my urls which avoids this scenario
ie - imageUrl="~/images/myimage.gif"
The application root shortcut "~/" is very useful because no matter what your server environment looks like, it will always point to the root folder of your app (where the bin directory is).