In my WebDropDown's dropdown items I have the number 50.
When I type 5 into the WebDropDown's textbox, the 0 is automatically added, but I delete it, making it a 5 again.
Problem is, when I hit my save button, the WebDropDownAmount.CurrentValue is 50.
What is your scenario, i.e. which properties do you have enabled on the control? For example EnableAutoFiltering, or EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch? If you can provide some ASPX markup, i will be glad to help.
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDownAmount" runat="server" Width="255px" DropDownAnimationType="Bounce"EnableMultipleSelection="False" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="0px" DropDownContainerWidth="0px" ClientEvents-ValueChanged="CheckChars" EnableDropDownAsChild="True" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" PageSize="0" Button-ImageUrl="~/Images/down4.png"></ig:WebDropDown> //Fill Amounts DataSet amounts = new DataSet(); string fileName = "~/Amounts.xml"; amounts.ReadXml(MapPath(fileName));
WebDropDownAmount.DataSource = amounts; WebDropDownAmount.TextField = "value"; WebDropDownAmount.DataBind(); WebDropDownAmount.CurrentValue = ""; for (int i = 0; i < WebDropDownAmount.Items.Count; i++) { WebDropDownAmount.Items[i].HoverCssClass = "comboHover"; WebDropDownAmount.Items[i].ActiveCssClass = "comboActive"; }.comboHover{background-color: #316AC5;color: White;}.comboActive{list-style-type: none;background-color: #316AC5;color: #333333;border: 1px solid #F1F1F1;}
Just for your reference, the internal issue number is 19246. I have fixed it and it will be working fine in the next Service Release (for July).
Thanks for the help. Looking forward to the fix.
Yes, this should be considered a bug. I will submit an internal issue for it.
Thanks !
Well that narrowed down the problem.
When I use backspace to get rid of the extra characters I get the right number. When I use delete to get rid of them I get the wrong number.
I am attaching a WebSite sample where I do the following :
1) Type "C"
2) it gets auto completed and becomes "Chai"
3) delete the selected letters with a backspace
4) "C" remains in the input box
5) click somewhere else on the page, so that control loses focus, or hit directly the "Postback" button which will trigger postback
6) watch the breakpoints in the code behind: CurrentValue is correctly set to "C" only, and not "Chai".
Maybe it depends where you check for the current value on the server side, or how you trigger the actual postback?
P.S: to run the website you will probably need to add ig_res (I removed it so that attachment doesn't exceed the file size limit), and also change the connection string to point to your Northwind db location. Yuo can for sure change the SqlDataSource to point to something else.