I use actually Ajax.Updater from Prototype.js to change Div which contain an ultraChart that work but the Problem ist the Tooltips, if the ultraChart is changing, the Tooltips didnt Work, i am getting "undefined" or some Tooltips from preceed ultraChart.
some solutions ? Please i need it urgently
<div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right-nowrap"> <a href="#" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTProductToCompany()" title=" PDF exportieren" class="pdfExport"> </a><%= Html.DropDownList("DistributionProductToCompany", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["KeywordGroups"], new { onchange = "DistributionProductToCompanyChange();" })%> </div> <div id="DistributionProductToCompanyContent"> <igchart:UltraChart ID="UCDistributionProductToCompany" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="BarStacked_ClientOnMouseClick" /> </igchart:UltraChart> <cc1:IGMvcScriptManager ID="IGMvcScriptManager5" runat="server" /> </div>
on Dropdown onchange i call a javascript Function with Ajax.Updater and change the div: DistributionProductToCompanyContent with another ultrachart (and for this new chart, the tooltips doesnt work)
Thank very much
i'm not sure what is happening here, but most likely the javascript initialization of the new chart is failing. may i see the javascript function and whatever code is related to changing the div content?
also, do you receive any javascript error messages in your browser window?
The Javascript use the Ajax.Updater Function of Prototype and use like on this Site : http://weblogs.asp.net/jigardesai/archive/2008/01/26/Simple-AJAX-Get-Request-using-ASP.NET-MVC-and-Prototype.aspx
function UpdateContainer()
new Ajax.Updater('CompanyChartContent', '/Home/UpdateCompanyChart?Value=' + dropdownValue, { method: 'get' });
CompanyChartContent ist the initial Div Contain with following Chart : <div id="CompanyChartContent"> <igchart:UltraChart ID="ultraChart1" runat="server"> <ClientSideEvents ClientOnMouseClick="Chart_ClientOnMouseClick" /> </igchart:UltraChart> <cc1:IGMvcScriptManager ID="IGMvcScriptManager" runat="server" /> </div>
the UpdateCompanyChart Page contain the same Code below but just ultraChart1 is render with new data. It work fine, just the Tooltips are from the preceed Chart.