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How to access an Axis added to a composite Chart Area

 The following shows the source code that creates the X and Y axis information for my composite chart.  I want to be access the Y Axis in my code behind page, so that I can adjust the Min and Max Range values. I am adding mulitple NumericTimeSeries to the chart layer(s) in my code behind page, and the Y axis range needs to be based on the the numeric values from these.  How can I do this?




<igchartprop:ChartArea Key ="myChartArea1">




<igchartprop:AxisItem Key="axisX" OrientationType="X_Axis" DataType="Time" SetLabelAxisType="DateData" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="DataInterval" TickmarkInterval="1" TickmarkIntervalType="Hours">


<MajorGridLines Visible="True" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="Gainsboro" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MajorGridLines>


<MinorGridLines Visible="False" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="LightGray" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MinorGridLines>


<Labels ItemFormatString="&lt;DATA_VALUE:HH &gt;" Font="Verdana, 7pt" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing">


<SeriesLabels HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal"></SeriesLabels>






<igchartprop:AxisItem Key="axisY" OrientationType="Y_Axis" DataType="Numeric" SetLabelAxisType="GroupBySeries" RangeType="Custom" RangeMax="26" LineThickness="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" TickmarkInterval="4" Extent="35">


<MajorGridLines Visible="True" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="Gainsboro" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MajorGridLines>











<MinorGridLines Visible="False" DrawStyle="Dot" Color="LightGray" Thickness="1" AlphaLevel="255"></MinorGridLines>



<Labels ItemFormatString="&lt;DATA_VALUE:#.#&gt;" Font="Verdana, 7pt" HorizontalAlign="Near" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal">


<SeriesLabels HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal"></SeriesLabels>








<gridpe elementtype="None"></gridpe>


<border thickness="0"></border>



