I have two modal dialogs on my page, I'll call them A and B. These are placed in the same UpdatePanel.
I have a link on my page in the UpdatePanel that causes dialog B to be shown and everything works fine in the dialog ie. entering data, tabbing to fields, etc.. On the same page I have another link that causes dialog A to be shown. This dialog also works fine. In dialog A there is a link to show dialog B as a nested dialog. Everything in dialog B works fine when open nested like this except for one thing:
When in dialog B (when nested), while in any field, pressing the Tab key moves focus to the address bar of the browser. Pressing the Tab key again never brings focus back to the page.
Any idea on how to fix this? Is it a z-order thing? I'm not too familiar with that area of html and styles. The fact that it works when opened directly from the page (opposed to nesting) also is puzzling.
If similar happens, then that is a limitation of dialog in modal mode.
I have discovered the same issue. Is there a planned fix for this? It is really unacceptable as it invaidates customers who require 508 compliance.