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WebDataTree javascript hangs in IE with 3000+ nodes

Yes, I have 3000+ nodes I need to display in the tree.  Everything works great in Firefox, but when I try to view the page in IE, I get this message:

Stop running this script?

A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.
If it continues to run, your computer may become

Any ideas or thoughts on how to fix this or improve it?  I know its due to the WebDataTree's initialization.  It is looping through and initializing each node... something that isn't working out well for IE due to its slower javascript performance.

Infragisitics version: 9.1.20091.2101
Language: C#
OS: Windows Vista 32-bit
Browsers: IE7 and FireFox 3.5.3

  • 3147


    Yes, this is initialization issue as you already mentioned.

    I would suggest you to use load-on-demand (set InitialDataBindDepth to zero), that will improve the overall performance and initial load of the page.

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