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Looping through rows on a paged grid


I have an issue that i need help on, please.  I have a webdatagrid that is pager enabled and supports Excel exporting.  the exporting works great; however, it will only export the currently loaded page.  so, if the grid has 500 records and only 20 are being displayed, only the 20 are being exported.  makes sense.... however, how do i go about looping through records within a pager-enabled grid when really the records haven't been loaded? 

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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  • 45049

    Given that we do not have an Excel exporter for WebDataGrid yet, I assume that you're using WebGrid (class name "UltraWebGrid") instead of WebDataGrid.  If you are indeed using WebDataGrid, please confirm and I'll move this thread back to the WebDataGrid forum.

    For WebGrid using the WebGridExcelExporter, this expected behavior.  To export all rows rather than just the current page, turn off both paging and the grid's AJAX functionality, re-bind, and export.  There are a number of discussions in the forums on this topic; here is a link to one of them.
