I am trying to use drop down editor for editing a child column. I followed the example give in the video below.
The dropdown does show when adding or editing a child row but the drop down is not populated. does anyone have any clue if this supposed to work. I check the datasource and it's fine.
Yes. It does work. I have a grid that has drop downs in four of the columns. Make sure you have the
DropDownProvider configured correctly. And, make sure it's linked to the
tag for the field.
Note that this is in a child row. below is the code for editor and binding. Am I missing something???? If this work it will halp me a lot, else need to redisgn and find another solution.
Columns><ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="SizeName" Key="SizeID"><Header Text="SizeName" /></ig:BoundDataField></Columns>
<EditorProviders><ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlSize"><EditorControl DataKeyFields="SizeID" DataSourceID="SqlDSSizeDropDown" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px"EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" ValueField="SizeName"Width="100px"><DropDownItemBinding ValueField="SizeName" /></EditorControl></ig:DropDownProvider></EditorProviders>
ig:EditingCore><Behaviors><ig:CellEditing><ColumnSettings><ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="SizeID" EditorID="ddlSize" /></ColumnSettings></ig:CellEditing><ig:RowAdding><ColumnSettings><ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="SizeID" EditorID="ddlSize" /></ColumnSettings></ig:RowAdding></Behaviors></ig:EditingCore>