I am trying to use drop down editor for editing a child column. I followed the example give in the video below.
The dropdown does show when adding or editing a child row but the drop down is not populated. does anyone have any clue if this supposed to work. I check the datasource and it's fine.
Note that this is in a child row. below is the code for editor and binding. Am I missing something???? If this work it will halp me a lot, else need to redisgn and find another solution.
Columns><ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="SizeName" Key="SizeID"><Header Text="SizeName" /></ig:BoundDataField></Columns>
<EditorProviders><ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlSize"><EditorControl DataKeyFields="SizeID" DataSourceID="SqlDSSizeDropDown" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px"EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" ValueField="SizeName"Width="100px"><DropDownItemBinding ValueField="SizeName" /></EditorControl></ig:DropDownProvider></EditorProviders>
ig:EditingCore><Behaviors><ig:CellEditing><ColumnSettings><ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="SizeID" EditorID="ddlSize" /></ColumnSettings></ig:CellEditing><ig:RowAdding><ColumnSettings><ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="SizeID" EditorID="ddlSize" /></ColumnSettings></ig:RowAdding></Behaviors></ig:EditingCore>
Yes. It does work. I have a grid that has drop downs in four of the columns. Make sure you have the
DropDownProvider configured correctly. And, make sure it's linked to the
tag for the field.