We are seeing problems with WebSchedule on Safari and Firefix on the mac platform. Firefox on windows does not share this problem.
on Safari :
In the AddAppointment pop-up, the entry field for the desciption of the appointment is only drawn about 3 - 4 pixels high. However you can set focus to the field and enter text.
In the the month view, the height of each day's box is 0, even for days with appointments.
on Firefox:
In the AddAppointment pop-up, the date selection fields are being over-written by the time selection fields and they are all slammed to the far left of the window.
These all appear to be CSS issues. There were one or two more similar items and we haven't really gone through everything with a fine-toothed comb yet but I am guessing that if we solve these the rest will fall into place.
update - this happens on Firefox 3.0 on XP as well.
Frank, I will open a support case for this question today, and will be in touch with you soon.