Using 2009.1 controls.
I've added a WebDropdown to my edititemtemplate in a formview. I've enabled multiselect and bound it to a datasource.
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_SystemTypes" TextField="Item_Text" ValueField="Item_Value" DropDownAnimationType="Linear" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="0px" DropDownContainerWidth="0px" EnableDropDownAsChild="True" EnableMultipleSelection="True" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" PageSize="0" Width="100%"> </ig:WebDropDown>
The webDropdown is visible (aside from the dropdown arrow graphic whereever that is supposed to exist) and it is populated properly.
I can check multiple items. Looks good.
When I handle my formview_updating event to grab the selections so I can stuff them in a table, I have only the items I initially selected when the formview was databound. No items that I have checked on the form are marked as selected in the webdropdown.items or selecteditems collections.
How depressing.
Is there some way to reliably access the selected items?
I've tried to replicate the described behavior but without success. I would suggest you to upgrade to latest service release available for your version. After the upgrade if you still experience the issue please create a support request and provide detailed information about the issue. Would be best if you provide a sample which reproduce the problem and we will take care further to fix it.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Attached is my page and masterpage. I'm trying is a couple of places in the vb code to cycle through the items collection to see which items are selected - the only item I ever see selected is the one I selected on load. The selectedItems collection only shows the single item as well. This is after I run in debug mode, open the page, and make multiple selections on the webdropdown.
I'll actually attach the code this time (sorry)..
I've tried to reproduce the issue but without success.
Please see my code in FormView1_Item_Updateing handler:
protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e)
WebDropDown wdd = (WebDropDown)FormView1.FindControl("WebDropDown1");
List<DropDownItem> items = wdd.SelectedItems;
foreach (DropDownItem item in wdd.Items)
if (item.Selected) {
Here I am able to get the selected Items.
In your code in the same Event you do only this:
Dim ThisWebDropDown As WebDropDown = CType(Me.FormView1.FindControl("WebDropDown1"), WebDropDown)
but not actually access the Items of the control.
You try to reach the items of the control in FormView1_DataBound Event handler : as invoke this method - Me.PopulateSystemTypes(); , So , since I'm not able to run your code I would suggest you to try get the selected Items in FormView1_ItemUpdating not in FormView1_DataBound. handler.
Let me know the result.
I thought I was done with this for the evening but I see one more thing. No events firing on the server for the webdropdown. I see this has been an issue for a bunch of people.
Looking at other threads, I've changed my declaration to..
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_SystemTypes" TextField="Item_Text" ValueField="Item_Value" DropDownAnimationType="Linear" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="0px" DropDownContainerWidth="0px" EnableDropDownAsChild="True" EnableMultipleSelection="True" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" PageSize="0" Width="100%" StyleSetName="Default" StyleSetPath="~/ig_res" onselectionchanged="WebDropDown1_SelectionChanged"> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="Item_Text" ValueField="Item_Value" /> <AutoPostBackFlags ValueChanged="On" /> <ClientEvents /> <Button ImageUrl="~/ig_images/ig_cmboDownXP1.png" /> </ig:WebDropDown>
Changing selections does not cause a postback or fire the server side event. Also tried <AutoPostBackFlags SelectionChanged="On" /> instead - still no postback or event.
You don't need Update or WARP panels for ajax functionality. The keyboard navigation issues are very strange. Also i am not sure why the server side events don't fire in your case.
I will try looking at your sample. If i cannot reproduce your issues, we can go through it over WEbEx.
Thank you,
Well, I've had to refund my client's money for the Infragistics controls. I guess I own this.
I still have to make a multiselect listbox of some kind that actually works in order to keep them from cancelling my development contract which is now several weeks behind schedule - the last hurdle being this thing.
So far, it is obvious that the dropdownlist does NOT work in a formview.
I can at least get client side events to fire if it is not in a formview (taking code directly from the code samples page). Still seriously unreliable, but the events fire. Select 3 items, close the dropdown, *some* will show in the comma seperated in the closed dropdownlist control. Then unselect one - it still shows in the closed dropdownlist control. Some of the selected ones don't show in the dropdown.
Server events do NOT fire. Ever, from what I see.
I need help with this. Now.
Yes, I'm stressed.
I found it (at least partially).
It appears the server side events were not firing because my Webdropdowns had the same clientID in each of the formview templates (something I do all the time which normally works). Apparently with the webdropdown, events do not get bound correctly and they do not fire.
I gave the webdropdown a different clientID in each template, and suddenly my events fire and my selecteditems collection had the correct items on postback.
What a PITA, but now I have it mostly working.
Last question, How do I make the webdropdown NOT allow a user to change selections (ie read only). I've tried DisplayMode="ReadOnlyList" but the user can still check/uncheck selections.