Which property should I use to take out the space between the labels and the y axis? If I modify the extent of the axis it will move along with the labels and the space is kept.
Many thanks for your guidance.
The problem come from the value you have set to the HorizontalAlign property of the Y axes SeriesLabels. Setting it to Center will fix it:
<Y Extent="250" LineEndCapStyle="Flat" LineThickness="1" TickmarkInterval="1" TickmarkStyle="Smart" Visible="true" > ..... <Labels Font="Arial, 7pt" HorizontalAlign="Far" ItemFormatString="<ITEM_LABEL>" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlign="Center" Visible="False"> <SeriesLabels Font="Arial, 10pt" HorizontalAlign="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlign="Near"> </SeriesLabels> </Labels></Y>
Thanks for trying but it will only align them in a different way but keeping the space between labels and axis. I want to be able to align them to the right as I had them but closer to the axis bar. Here it is how it looks with the change you mentioned.