We wrote a generic "form is dirty" implementation on the body unload event. WebNumericEdit control has a blank space in the defaultValue property even when the control is not touched on the browser.
This check always return true in the javascript function.
if (type == "hidden" || type == "password" || type == "text" || type == "textarea" || type == "file") { if (element.value != element.defaultValue) { return true; } }
How do we differentiate this control with other elements? Is there a way to set the defaultValue to empty string?
Here is my HTML for the control -
<igtxt:WebNumericEdit ID="WebNumericEdit1" runat="server" HideEnterKey="true" SelectionOnFocus="CaretToEnd" DataMode="Decimal" Width="80px" Height="18px"></igtxt:WebNumericEdit>
Hi Ram,
Was the reply from me and Victor helpful? Please update the forums if you would like to discuss this issue further?
Magued, you had this code in your HTML and I was not sure what it was doing -<ClientSideEvents Initialize="WebNumericEdit1_Initialize" />
But the sample Viktor provided help me to fix the problem. I could see what was done in the initialize event. I am still working to see if it breaks on some under condition.
Thanks to both of you for your guidance.