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Trap toolbar save or other button

hi all,

i am new.. pls suggest how can i trap toolbar click event..

and how can i know which toll was selected.

i createed a event...


protected void WebHtmlEditor1_ToolbarClick(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.WebHtmlEditor.ToolbarEventArgs e)
    pls if button == "save" 
         do some process...

with best regards..


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  • 24497
    Verified Answer

    Hi Kartikeya,

    The ToolbarClick event is raised only for ToolbarButton which has enabled RaisePostback property. By default only Save button has that property enabled. However, application can enable that property for any button. Below example shows how to process that event.

    protected void WebHtmlEditor1_ToolbarClick(object sender, ToolbarEventArgs e)
      ToolbarButton but = e.Item as ToolbarButton;
      ToolbarButtonType type = but.Type;
      string key = but.Key;
      string act = but.Act;
