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Simple DataBinding

I have been using UltraWebGrid for a couple years and now about to switch to the new WebDataGrid instead and have some basic questions I was unable to find answers for in your documentaion.

First, is there pdf overview like you had for UltraWebGrid?

Second, I can bind data with Gridview control but cannot with WebDataGrid. What are the updated changes?

Third, is there documentation of how to make the transition from old to new?

I feel like I have to relearn everything I just learned to make Infragistics tools work again...


  • 2501


    When migrating from the UltraWebGrid to the WebDataGrid, the WebDataGrid is part of our Aikido framework which is our own ASP.Net control framework.  The Aikido controls are faster web controls which use ASP.Net AJAX for all ajax communication between the client and the server. 

    Please see the forum post where information regarding some of the differences between using the UltraWebGrid and the WebDataGrid are explained by Taz Abdeali, our Product Manager:


    Some samples for DataBinding the WebDataGrid may be found in our NetAdvantage WebClient ASP.NET Samples Browser for 2010 Volume 2 which contains the source code on how to Programatically and Declaratively DataBind the WebDataGrid. 

    Please use the following link to view our Samples Browser:


    The following link to the Infragistics NetAdvantage ASP.Net Online Help for 2010 Volume 2 contains information on Support Data Sources for the WebDataGrid:

     Supported Data Sources

    Regarding your inquiry for a WebDataGrid PDF overview, I am checking with our Development Team and will update you with any information they provide.

    If there is a WebDataGrid behavior or property which you have a specific question for, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you further.

    Thank you.

    Mike D.
    Developer Support Engineer

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