I have created one webpage which shows the chart of total sold product amount by all/per user. The data creation process takes some time but before that the loading process bar (round process bar which apears in the top middle of the chart) completed its process. Then after when data is created then the datasource for the chart is assigned but chart doesnot shows anything.
Have you called ultraChart.DataBind(); after setting the ultraChart.DataSource to the desired object?
Thanks for reply,
Yes this statement is there. One more thing I want to add is when I am doing the same kind of operation in which data comes before page+ultrachart gets refreshed then ultrachart is populating but in my current situation data comes after page+ultrachart gets refreshed then ultrachart is not populating. All the statements are executing properly.
There is not such a chart option as this is an asp.net issue. I suppose that an asp.net grid will act the same way in this scenario.
You could increase the response timeout of the page or/and the timeout for your managed data provider. Here is a sample forum post how it can be achieved.
As I mentioned that everything (each steps as per code) is there in my code but the problem here is that the process of creating data (to populate the datatable) process is taking time. I am not getting any time out message/error. If the data comes within 30 seconds the ultrachart is getting populated otherwise not. My problem is solved now because the I changed the logic of data preparation and now it is coming within 5 seconds. But still I want to know if there have any refresh time setting I can change for ultrachart? If anyone knows anything about it please help me out. Thanks in advance
I'm not sure I understand properly what is your situation. Here is a sample code which populates the chart on a click of a button:
using Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebChart;using Infragistics.UltraChart.Data;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System;namespace WebApplicationChart10._1{ public partial class WebForm4 : System.Web.UI.Page { UltraChart UltraChart1; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button button1 = new Button(); button1.Text = "Refresh"; button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click); this.Form.Controls.Add(button1); UltraChart1 = new UltraChart(); this.Form.Controls.Add(UltraChart1); } void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UltraChart1.DataSource = DemoTable.Table(); UltraChart1.DataBind(); } }}
Let me know how it differs from yours so I could assists you further.