I'm binding a WebDataMenu to an xml file like so:
<ig:WebDataMenu ID="TopNavigationMenu" EnableViewState="true" runat="server" GroupSettings-Orientation="Horizontal"
GroupSettings-ExpandDirection="Down" GroupSettings-AnimationType="ExpandAnimation"
GroupSettings-AnimationDuration="1" EnableTheming="True" >
<ClientEvents ItemClick="WebDataMenu1_ItemClick" />
<ig:DataMenuItemBinding DefaultText=" " TextField="Text" ValueField="Value" ImageUrlField="ImageUrl"
KeyField="Key" NavigateUrlFields="Url" TargetField="Target" ToolTipField="Text" />
The client side javascript looks like this:
function WebDataMenu1_ItemClick(sender, e) {
return confirm("Proceed with menu click?");
If I take the confirm line of javscript code out then clicking on a menu item goes to the proper url defined in the xml config file. With the confirm line in, it doesn't matter if I choose Ok or Cancel, the page remains the same. This behavior also occurs with alerts. Any help would be appreciated?
I've tried your sample and it is working properly with latest code base. Can you specify which version and build you are using.
I'm using Net advantage 9.2 with Visual Studio 2008 (.NET 3.5). I've attached some sample code.