Hi there ~ wonder if anyone has run into this. I'm using the webscheduleinfo control to bind the data to my custom pages. For these pages, I don't need any of the view controls (ex. monthly, weekly, daily). All of the appointments/events are pulling correctly except for variances and recurring events. Only the first appointment in a series of recurring is pulling. What do I have to do in order to pull these? It's probably something obvious I'm missing I hope :)
hi, I have a similar problem right now and unless there is a webdayview,weekview or monthview that is tied to the webscheduleinfo, it will not pull out any of the activities. As a workaorund I just dropped a webdayview control, set its visible property to false and connect it to the webscheduleinfo. Not a pretty workaround but unless someone can shed light on this issue, it would be of great help.
jscatalina said: I have a similar problem right now and unless there is a webdayview,weekview or monthview that is tied to the webscheduleinfo, it will not pull out any of the activities.
I have a similar problem right now and unless there is a webdayview,weekview or monthview that is tied to the webscheduleinfo, it will not pull out any of the activities.
The WebSchedule view controls negotiate with each other to figure out "how many days worth of activities should I ask for from the data provider?" If you have a WebDayView, then perhaps it only needs a couple of days (the day it's on, the next day and maybe the preceding day), but if you have a WebDayView and a WebMonthView then the WebMonthView is going to need a month ... is the WebDayView inside that month, if so then it is the WebMonthView's needs that determine how many days to fetch ... if the WebDayView is outside that month, well then the WebMonthView sets one end of the range but it needs to stretch to fit the WebDayView, too.
In WebSchedule terminology, this date range is called the frame interval. If you have no WebSchedule view controls on your form then the frame interval that gets negotiated is, well, let's say it is not very wide.
You're left not out in the cold however, because the WebScheduleInfo control has the FrameIntervalChanging event. You can attach an event listener to this event and when the WebScheduleInfo asks "those who are interested in how much data is fetched" what they think the frame interval should be you can chip in your own two cents worth and set a frame interval wide enough to retrieve the activities you need.
For an example of the FrameIntervalChanging event being handled in a situation where there are no WebSchedule view controls, check out the Reminder Web Service (RWS) starter kit.
I am able to pull regular appointments, just not recurring. I'm looping through the appointment count, but I realize that's where my issue is, the recurring is not in the count.....Is there a collection that contains both regular and recurring that I can loop through? I haven't found one as of yet.
Does adding a view control give you collection to output all appointments that meet conditions? I'm such a newb at this and only have 4 days left to complete coding!
This is for a report with date selections and a custom field selection.
Dim index As Integer
Dim current As Activity = Me.WebScheduleInfo.Activities(index)
If current.StartDateTimeUtc.ToShortDateString >= startdate.ToShortDateString And current.StartDateTimeUtc.ToShortDateString <= enddate.ToShortDateString Then
lbldata.Text += "<tr><td>" & current.StartDateTime.ToShortDateString & " " & current.StartDateTime.ToShortTimeString & " -- " & current.GetValue("Subject", Appointment.KeyId) & " (" & current.GetValue("Location", Appointment.KeyId) & ")</td><td align='right'></td></tr>"
End If
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