On paging the items in the parent band, there is an empty row inserted in the child bands. How do you fix this issue?
Hello tkthatikonda,
I am not able to see the empty row in the online samples:
Which browser do you use in order to encounter the issue?
Hope hearing from you
The samples Infragistics provided shows child band only when you expand the parent band. In my case, I have the parent and child bands expanded during the initial load and paging is enabled on the parent band. I created a sample that can be used to reproduce the behavior I mentioned above. The issue happens with both IE 7 and IE 8.
I have deleted Nwind.mdb from the zip file due to file size upload limitation. The Nwind.mdb should be copied to the root of the web application.
Hello Georgieva,
Were you able to look at the issue in the attached sample? I would appreciate if you could provide a resolution for this ASAP.
There was a service release on 28th Jan 2011 that is available for download.
Hello tkthatikonda ,
Please refer to the Service Release Schedule:
Let me know if you need further assistance regarding this.
When do you think the next service release will be available for download?
Yes I was able to look at the attached sample.
The issue is fixed in the latest build and will be included in the next service release.
Let us know if you need further assistance.