Page state is getting corrupted, "The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted..."
This can either occur on TabSelectedIndexChanged (with the load occurring) or on postback for the individual tab.
Hello mccreadiegroup,
UltraWebTab is a part of the old toolset and it is not supported. More information about supported environments is avaiable at:
Just to clarify do you mean WebTab? If you are using WebTab then I would recommend you to download and install latest service release 2120.
thank you for pointing that out :)
(would you do me a favor, find the nearest marketing person in your proximity and smack them on the back of the head for me. also, can you ask them to call me so i can tell them what the new super duper ultra car is that i have for sale. actually, i have 2, but one is not the super duper utlra model.)
<ig:WebTab is what's defined in the .aspx
Infragistics4.WebUI.UltraWebTab.v10.3.dll and
Infragistics4.Web.v10.3.dll is what is being referenced in the bin
so i'm guessing that it is webtab?
anything else will have to paste .aspx?
Thank you reporting issues.That is not clear if you still have problems or not. If yes, then please build a simple sample (one aspx file is enough) which can be used to reproduce that and submit a report at
You also may zip it, attach with Options-tab and provide steps to reproduce.
very sorry, looks like postbacks are still an issue.
<AutoPostBackFlags SelectedIndexChanged="On" />fixes it for Safarithanks!
Hello mccreadiegroup,can you paste your aspx. I confirm that the following code is working fine on Safari 5.0.5 with 10.3.20103.1013 and 10.3.20103.2120
<ig:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="300px" onselectedindexchanged="WebTab1_SelectedIndexChanged"> <AutoPostBackFlags SelectedIndexChanged="On" /> <Tabs> <ig:ContentTabItem runat="server" Text="Tab 1"> </ig:ContentTabItem> <ig:ContentTabItem runat="server" Text="Tab 2"> </ig:ContentTabItem> </Tabs> </ig:WebTab>