Couldnt able to style with the style sheets provided
Hello muqtadarkhan1,
Can you describe in more detail your issue?
Please refer to the below forum threads refering the styling:
Let me know if you have further questions.
Thanks for the quick response.
Well i have tried the solution mentioned in the forum.
But it does not work for me. I am using IE 7.
The issue i have is with styling the background of the dropdown textbox and the arrow button.
Also with the autopostback, when after selecting one value and do a postback. Then try deleting one
character from the previously selected value causes a autopostback to occur.
Hello muqtadarkhan1 ,
Thank you for the update.
Regarding dropdown textbox you should modify igdd_ValueDisplay style:
background-color: Fuchsia;
Regarding button image you should set ImageUrl, HoverImageUrl and PressedImageUrl properties:
<Button ImageUrl="ig_res/Default/images/add_down.gif"
PressedImageUrl="ig_res/Default/images/add_down.gif" />
Autopostback flags should be furned off on Selection Changed:
<AutoPostBackFlags SelectionChanged="Off" />
You can also set AutoSelectOnMatch="false", EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="false"
Hope this helps