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Make selection on one parent WebDropDown, and cascade to multiple child WDDs?

I'm modeling my code on this example:

I have three WebDropDown controls: wdd1, wdd2, wdd3.

When wdd1 's selection  changes, I want new values to be cascaded to wdd2 & wdd3. I've tried to code it both server -side and client-side, and neither work. My code for server-side/client-side are the same except for the lines marked "comment-toggle".

Here is my js:

    function wdd1_SelectionChanged(sender, args) {

        // get the selected value of the current WDD (wddPayroleSite)
        value = args.getNewSelection()[0].get_value();



    function cascadeWebDropdown(value) {

        var wdd2 = $find('<%= wdd2.ClientID %>');
        var wdd3 = $find('<%= wdd3.ClientID %>');

        wdd3.loadItems(value); // comment-toggle


Here is my VB.NET:

    Protected Sub wdd2_ItemsRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownItemsRequestedEventArgs) Handles wdd2.ItemsRequested

        Dim text As String = CType(e.Value, String)

        Dim id  As Integer = 0

        If (Integer.TryParse(text, id)) Then
            ' LoadWdd3(id) ' comment-toggle
        End If       

    End Sub

End VB.NET Code

LoadWdd2() & LoadWdd3() are functions that perform the databind to their respective WDD controls.


Also, how can I prevent the auto-opening of the child WDD? Going back to the sample, if I select a country, the state WDD opens and focuses automatically. I don't want this to occur.



No Data
  • 19693

    Hello ,

    The issue with auto-opening child is fixed in the latest service release.

    Regarding the cascading issue I tried to reproduce the behavior with the online sampe but with no avail.

    Can you please let me know what does LoadWdd2 method do?  (  LoadWdd2(id) )

    Where is the value variable declared ? I recommend you renaming it because by default the local variables override the global ones  (I mean cascadeWebDropdown(value) function)

    value = args.getNewSelection()[0].get_value();

    I am attaching the example I extrated from the online sample.

    Please refer to the zipped attachment.