I want to know why Ultrawebgrid is showing 100 rows and not allowing any more than that. I need that to print it out with infragistic document report.
I set the rows to 1000 as the row limit, this is what i want.
Hello robkapsig,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue.
Let us know if you need any further assistance.
I am also having a similar problem with a grid not showing all the rows, and from my investigations this is what seems to be happening:
The grid is showing sites for a customer with machines that are held at that site.
Customer 1 = 1000 sites
Customer 2 = 500 sites
If I select Customer 1 first then can visit all the sites using Virtual Scrolling. However if I select Customer 2 and later select Customer 1, I seem to only be able to scroll up the the number of sites that Customer 2 had it will not show any more.
If I select Customer 1 then Select Customer 2, the scroll bar shows as if it was expecting the sites for Customer 1 and if I keep scrollig down will eventually get a script error due to a null row being returned.
I have tried resetting the rows on the grid before repopulating it but this did not resolve the issue.
How are customers selected? Is this done outside of the grid? If so, what event is being handled and what code are you using to change the data in the grid?
Please also provide the aspx markup for the grid so that we can see what properties you have set.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
Hello kenpaton ,
As I can see you are setting the DataSource of the WebDataGrid only on selection changed of the WebDropDown.
The aikido grid requires setting DataSource on every post back.
You have set the property EnableDataViewState = "True" but as you are using VirtialScrolling then you should save the DataSource in Session variable ( for example ) and set the DataSource of the grid in the Page_Load
Let me know if you still experience the issue after that.
This is the function that responds to the user selection:
Sub wddRegisterCustomers_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownSelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles wddRegisterCustomers.SelectionChanged
Me.CustomerID = Me.wddRegisterCustomers.SelectedValue
Session("CustomerID") = Me.CustomerID
End Sub
And this is the function that populates the grid:
Private Sub getRegister(ByVal customerID As Integer)
Dim dsRegister As New DataSet
dsRegister =
Me.wdgAssetRegister.DataSource = dsRegister
Me.txtDateGenerated.Text = myDal.GetDateRegisterGenerated(customerID)
What is the code that you are using for reapplying the data source?
The Datasource for the grid is a Dataset, the user selects the customer that they wish to view the sites for and this returns the CustomerID for the selected customer, which is used to repopulate the dataset which is then reapplied as the datasource.
This is the markup for the grid: