I'm working on WebHierarchicalDataGrid with manual load on demand and paging. Manual load on demand works well only on the first page. When I navigate to other pages (using pager links) root band is shown. But when I try to expand row I receive error "Runtime Exception: No child grid script descriptors are available!".
My solution is based on ThreeLevelsManualLoadOnDemandSample converted to Visual Basic.
I'm using a Datasets as datasources for WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
Infragistics version: 10.3.20103.2134
I attached a sample which illustrates the problem
Hello vdobzinski,
please see the atached sample. It is written in VB.NET and shows how to make ManualLoadOnDemand.
My goal is to create application, which loads data from Oracle stored procedures through OracleDataAdapter into Dataset (or DataTable) and use this Dataset (or DataTable) as datasource for WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
I don't like to create additional classes in order to create List(Of <T>) and use them as datasource. Is it possible to use DataSet or DataTable as datasource?
Even after conversion of DataTable to List(of <T>) WebHierarchicalDataGrid in my demo application craches after navigation to next page (works well on the first page) with runtime error "No child grid script descriptors are available".
Default.aspx in attached project is my initial demo. Default2.aspx is based on your example, I have changed only field names, added conversion from DataTable to List(Of <T>) and set TargetFramework to 3.5.
I've tested on Windows 7 64 bit + Infragistics 10.3.20103.2134 and Windows XP 32 bit + Infragistics 10.3.20103.2120