i have 3 webdropdown like make,model and submodel
I can able to add special charcater .
Ex : Makename - "Acura & marine"
But while selecting make i got argument exception error: Unterminated string passed in..."
Please help how to manipulate special characters in Casecading webdropdown
Hi Murugan,
Try to replace "&" with "&"
Hi all,
I'm using WebDropDown version v10.3. I added OnItemsRequested on Server Site to filter values entered from WebDropDown .
When I enter values which contains special chars(&, ',....) on WebDropDown, then same issue occurs exactly.
Please support me to resolve this issue.
Hi All,
We also got this issue with ampersand character.
We use a DropDownProvider inside a WebDataGrid. The drop-down list contains many "&" characters.
We got exception "Unterminated string passed in...." whenever focus to the drop-down editor from Grid.
We tried to replace "&" with "&" but not success.
Any help is highly appreciate.