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Clear Grouping in WHDG?

How do I completely clear out any grouping done by the user, server-side for a WHDG?  I am trying to reset a grid completely w/this following code:

With igWHDG





'.GroupingSettings.EnableColumnGrouping = False

.DataSource =



.DataKeyFields =





With .GridView













End With




End With

This does everything I want except that the group rows are still present in the grid (and clicking on one causes a javascript errors).

  • 7566

    Hello Wallace,


    I have created a sample which reproduces your issue in the way I understood it from the details described in your post. Note that this is a web site to run it you need to add ig_res folder. In order to do that you just need to turn into design mode and the folder will be automatically added to your project.

    If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. I will be really glad if I had helped in this situation.


    Looking forward to hear from you.  



    Georgi Sashev

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
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