I use a WHDG bound to a self referenced SQL DataSource (like a simple table ID,ParentID, Name).I allowed editingcore & rowadding behaviours and set the EnableInheritance Property to True.
My problem is that i can't add row under records that have no child records.... As there's no children under those records, there's no row island and no more AddRow...
I assume that's a bug, because it works with a WHDG bound to 2 sqlDS like (Orders and OrderDetails).
Can someone help me ?
Hi gvi,
I attempted to replicate this on my end, but did not have any luck. Could you maybe send a small sample our way?
regards,David Young
Hi David,
Here's a sample.
Moreover if you could explain me how to set the default value of parentID to (null) for root creation record, it could be fine.
I hope that you'll help me, cause last time you asked me a sample, i uploaded it and i'll still waiting.So, please have a look to all my recents posts (since june) in the asp.net forums :)
no. I just add in the sample i send you :
<Bands><ig:Band IsSelfReference="True" Key="ChildBand_0"><Columns><ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ID" Key="ID"><Header Text="ID" /></ig:BoundDataField><ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Name" Key="Name"><Header Text="Name" /></ig:BoundDataField><ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ParentID" Key="ParentID"><Header Text="ParentID" /></ig:BoundDataField></Columns><Behaviors><ig:EditingCore EnableInheritance="True"><Behaviors><ig:CellEditing EnableInheritance="True"><ColumnSettings><ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ParentID" ReadOnly="True" /><ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ID" ReadOnly="True" /></ColumnSettings></ig:CellEditing><ig:RowAdding EnableInheritance="True"><ColumnSettings><ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ID" ReadOnly="True" /><ig:RowAddingColumnSetting ColumnKey="ParentID" ReadOnly="True" /></ColumnSettings> </ig:RowAdding> </Behaviors></ig:EditingCore><ig:RowSelectors></ig:RowSelectors></Behaviors></ig:Band></Bands>
So could you set AutoGenerateBands="false" on the top WHDG. I had it set and only had one child in my sample.
Sorry, autogeneratebands was false in the sample i sent you.Finally, i add in the rowislandpopulated this :
if (e.Row.RowIslands.Count > 1)e.Row.RowIslands.RemoveAt(1);
And it works.
Could you help me with my others issues ?
Now I can Add Row correctly, I want to handle RowAdded/updated/deleted events on server side, in order to display error messages like in this samplehttp://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET?page=WebDataGrid_Handling_Server_Side_Exceptions_Using_AJAX.html
I get events on the root items and the root addrow, but for child items I never get those events...
Please help me...
In the code behind, in Page Load, do the following.
this.WHDG1.Bands[0].RowAdded += ...
You need to add the event to the band that the child is created from. Or you could handle row island created and add it to the ContainerGrid there.
Hello Gregory,
I see that you created support ticket CAS-69700-13Q3Y3 for this issue. We will continue our discussion through the support ticket
Hi Dave,
After more tests, your purposed solution is not sufficient.
Cause after adding a row with the addrow on the added band (used for items that have no child), I have no expandable icon and so I'm not able to add a child row to the newly created row.
Have you another trick ?
It don't works.
Could you provide me a working sample ?