I use a WHDG bound to a self referenced SQL DataSource (like a simple table ID,ParentID, Name).I allowed editingcore & rowadding behaviours and set the EnableInheritance Property to True.
My problem is that i can't add row under records that have no child records.... As there's no children under those records, there's no row island and no more AddRow...
I assume that's a bug, because it works with a WHDG bound to 2 sqlDS like (Orders and OrderDetails).
Can someone help me ?
Hello Gregory,
I see that you created support ticket CAS-69700-13Q3Y3 for this issue. We will continue our discussion through the support ticket
Hi Dave,
After more tests, your purposed solution is not sufficient.
Cause after adding a row with the addrow on the added band (used for items that have no child), I have no expandable icon and so I'm not able to add a child row to the newly created row.
Have you another trick ?
It don't works.
Could you provide me a working sample ?
In the code behind, in Page Load, do the following.
this.WHDG1.Bands[0].RowAdded += ...
You need to add the event to the band that the child is created from. Or you could handle row island created and add it to the ContainerGrid there.
Now I can Add Row correctly, I want to handle RowAdded/updated/deleted events on server side, in order to display error messages like in this samplehttp://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET?page=WebDataGrid_Handling_Server_Side_Exceptions_Using_AJAX.html
I get events on the root items and the root addrow, but for child items I never get those events...
Please help me...