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Freeze on ColumnResize AutoPostBack

I need the grid to AutoPostBack on Column Resize as I am saving grid settings to persist them for the user's next visit. Post back for all other grid actions (column moved, column sorted, etc) works perfectly, however the postback on column resize causes the entire page to freeze. The mouse stays as a the four arrowed "move" pointer and nothing can be interacted with on the page. No errors occur in Visual Studio and the localhost webserver does not crash.

The grid is statically defined in the aspx page, however the column widths are not defined. Attempting to perform a column resize with autopostback disabled works perfectly. On postback from a different action, the column resized events fire as intended.

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and Infragistics 11.1. This error occurs in IE 9, FF 5, and Chrome 12.

Below is a picture of the grid when this occurs, the "column moving" vertical line persists after mouse up:

  • 33839

    Hi bruestle2,

    If you have not upgraded to the latest Service Release for 11.1, could you do so?  That may fix the problem.  If not, could you try to see if you can see if any java script exception is happening in the page?


    David Young

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