I have a webdatamenu. If I click on an Item i can handle the clientside ItemSelected event.
However if this menu item has children then the menu will no close. How can I close thee menu in javascript at this point in time.
Hello garyrg9,
Thank you for posting this question in our community. I have created a sample on your behalf. Download and review the sample in it I am handling the client side ItemSelected event and you can see that the issue is not reproduced and the menu behaves as expected. Also additional information like which version are you using and CLR will be helpful. You can modify the sample in the way issue is reproducible with exact steps to reproduce or just to navigate me in what I missed.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Georgi Sashev
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Gary,
Were you able to resolve your issue?
For any further assistance with this matter, do not hesitate to contact me.
Hi All
I managed to write my own solution for this by handling a couple of client side events and hacking into some functions which are probably internal and not supposed to be used. This works for us, we are using 13.1.20131.2188. No idea whether it will work for other versions and I guess it may stop working if they change any of these undocumented functions.
<ig:WebDataMenu ID="menu" runat="server" GroupSettings-Orientation="Horizontal" ActivateOnHover="False" StyleSetName="SecondLevelMenu"> <AutoPostBackFlags ItemSelected="On" /> <GroupSettings EnableAnimation="true" AnimationType="ExpandAnimation" AnimationDuration="70" AnimationEquationType="Linear" /> <ClientEvents ItemHovered="menu_ItemHovered" ItemUnhovered="menu_ItemUnhovered" /> </ig:WebDataMenu>
var hoverCheck; var hoveredItem; function menu_ItemHovered(sender, eventArgs) { if (hoveredItem == eventArgs.getItem()) { clearTimeout(hoverCheck); } //If they hover back to the parent - stop checking timer if (eventArgs.getItem().hasChildren()) { eventArgs.getItem().open(); //if this item has children, open the drop down } } function menu_ItemUnhovered(sender, eventArgs) { if (eventArgs.getItem().hasChildren()) { hoveredItem = eventArgs.getItem(); hoverCheck = setTimeout(function () { CheckHover(eventArgs.getItem(), sender) }, 30); //timer to check whether they are still hovering over a child } } function CheckHover(parent, menu) { var stillHovering = false; for (i = 0; i < parent.getChildrenCount() ; i++) { if(parent.get_childItem(i)._element.className.indexOf("Hover") > 0) { stillHovering = true; } } if(stillHovering) { //keep checking in case they hover away from this sub item not via the parent item hoverCheck = setTimeout(function () { CheckHover(parent, menu) }, 30); } else { //they've finished hovering, this closes the dropdown menu.__hideItem(parent); } }
Hope this helps.
Is there any solution for this??
In the CSOM for WebDataMenu there is an "open()" method on DataMenuItem class but there does not appear to be any equivalent close method. How are we supposed to close a submenu once we've opened it in javascript? - eg. in the ItemUnhovered client side event.
Using ActivateOnHover=True causes incorrect styling of the menu items (for which I've raised a support request) so we are trying to get around this by handling the open/close of the sub-menus in javascript.
No. The issue is not resolved and your example is not appropriate to what I was asking.
If you create a menu with several levels of children and then click on an item that is not the lowest child level then I want a way to "close" then entire menu from javascript in the item clicked method.]]