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Webgauge AsyncRefresh does not fire

I have built a web user control that contains a web gauge. I have set the RefreshInterval to 5 for a default. 

Default.aspx is a content page with a site.master that dynamically creates and loads the WebGauge user controls. These load and get their intial data fine. Gauage_AsyncRefresh is never hit. It appears that a RefreshEvent never fires. What am I missing?

Using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGauge.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.2036

  • 130
    Suggested Answer

    Control ID was generated dynamically from data. This contained white space. Used

    ucGauge.ID = Replace(PlantParam.Name,


    " ", vbNullString)

    This removed the whitespace from ID and now works as advertised.

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