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Updating DataMenu In chrome issue




I'm using WebDataMenu control (11.1.20111.1006)

When i update (change menu items) on serverside and update UpdatePanel where menu is placed data menu is not rendering correctly. Instead of horizontal, scrooling menu  i receive  items in rows, all visible and no slider (slider is missing). It seems that in chrome even after first loading i can see how the js script hides menu items, but after updating part of code is not firing probably.


Could you please have a look and check what is wrong here.

Control setup:


<asp:UpdatePanel UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" EnableViewState="false"  ID="TopMenuClustersUpdatePanel" >


                <ig:WebDataMenu ID="TopMenuClusters" EnableScrolling="true" runat="server" MaxDataBindDepth="1" AutoPostBackFlags-ItemSelected="Off" ScrollingSpeed="VeryFast" EnableAjaxViewState="false" >

                    <ClientEvents Initialize="IE7ZIndexAdjust"  ItemUnhovered="removeSelected"  ItemSelected="clusterSelected"  />

                    <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" Width="750px" Height="100%" EnableAnimation="true"

                        AnimationType="OpacityAnimation" AnimationDuration="200"  />


                        <ig:DataMenuItemBinding DataMember="Table" ToolTipField="Name" ValueField="ID" KeyField="ID" TextField="Code" Depth="1" />






                <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GroupsDropDown" EventName="SelectionChanged" />




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