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easiest way to represent chart with 2 Y axis (one on left and one on right)


As u can see in attached file, I need to have a chart but with 2 Y-axis. One chart is the temperatures for different dates and other one is for energy for different dates, but I neef them on same drawing.

You know ho I can have both charts in same drawing, one X axis for different dates and 2 Y-axys: one on left for energy (MW values) and one Y-axys on right side for the temperature values ??

1/What s simplest kind of chart, and if you have a sample, that ll be great

2/ do u know how to put one axis on left and one on right, if not I guess I will have to tell them it s not possible and we ll just have both axys one next to the other

In the drawing attached, actually the temperature axis is for 3 datacolumns, and the BesoinPrevue axix is for energy column, but a sample for two is fine, instead of four, one for a temperature column and a second axis for energy column. The x axis is same for dates

Thanks a lot