I'm tryin to use DataSet to retrieve data from XML file and display it into WHDG. It work Corretcly.
But when i ty to personlize Bands, for example display some elements and hidden the others, the WHDG display all (data in the Dataset + data personalized)
Attached the code, and this is my XML File
<Item><Category>2- category 2</Category><Title>title 21</Title><Key>A5</Key></Item>
<Item><Category>4- category 4</Category><Title>title 41</Title><Key>A12</Key></Item>
I would lik only to display in Bands (Title 11 and Key 11)
Thank you,
It sounds like you are adding columns to your bands, but are not setting AutoGenerateColumns="false" on the band. If that is true, we make columns for all the data, plus whatever is explicitly in the columns collection.
regards,David Young
Thank you, but the problem is not here.
AutoGenerateBands="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
You can verifiy with the code attached bellow