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Strange issue with font appearance on IIS


I have an issue with fonts appearance. When debugging on devserv locally all is ok. But when i release code to IIS 6.0 fonts are rendered diffrently.


I'm using bar chart and column char and the same issue on both.

Here is my markup:


<Y LineThickness="1" TickmarkInterval="0" Extent="200"  TickmarkStyle="Smart" Visible="True">

<MajorGridLines AlphaLevel="255" Color="Gainsboro" DrawStyle="Dot" 

Thickness="1" Visible="True" />

<MinorGridLines AlphaLevel="255" Color="LightGray" DrawStyle="Dot" 

Thickness="1" Visible="False" />

<Labels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Far" 

ItemFormatString="" Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlign="Center" >

<SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 7pt" FontColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Center" 

Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlign="Center"  >

<Layout Behavior="Auto">



<Layout Behavior="Auto">






And here result:

