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Set Hight with of text area ?!

Hello Guys ...

I've 12 Charts on one Page. Now i'll export these on PDF! But the DPI of the Charts are so bad, and ive to set it on my own .. works great! But... look at the picture .. my Problem are the Fonts of the Chart?!


Here is my Code:


chart.PreRender += new EventHandler((o, args) =>


FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/ChartImages/Chart_" + ((UltraChart)o).Attributes["index"] + "_druck.png"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

((UltraChart)o).SaveTo(fileStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png, new Size(1600, 1200), new SizeF(300,300));




Question is now .. waht property should i set or change to make the area of the text inside the Chart bigger?!

Thanks for solutions...



  • 40

    Anyone some Infos on this?

    I have the same problem with the Windows Forms UltraChart.

    The labels are not visible for Axis, Legend and Title.


    Thanks in advance.

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