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Best way to upgrade from Infragistics ASP.NET version 10 to 11

Hi ,

We have encounter a problem when we install new version of infragistics 11.  

All of our current webapplications are version 10 which consist of a lot of web pages and user controls.

When we add v.11 controls to our pages it says that duplicate assemblies etch...

What is the best/fastest way to do for us to replace all v.10 version to v.11 and make our apps up and working with v.11 version..

Thanks in Regards

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    to Continue the question above. 

    There is new features in v.11 that 10.3 doesn't , like Unboundcheckbox on webdatagrid.

    Currently i am having a problem in WebDatagrid 10.3 where Checkbox always lost state during paging.

