here's the method that loads the Nodes On Demand on WebDataTree.
If the parent Node is Partial Selected and when that node is expanded using this procedure all the child nodes are Partial Selected even though I am assigning proper value to CheckStatefor that DataTreeNode. It seems that setting the CheckState does not take effect if Parent is partial Selected
protected void LoadNode(DataTreeNode dtn) { if (this.Dimension == null) return; XmlDocument xDimensionData = this.Dimension.GetDimensionXml(this.SelectionInfo); if (dtn == null) { this.wdtSelect.Nodes.Clear(); } XmlNodeList xnl = xDimensionData.SelectNodes(this.GetXPathForLevel(dtn == null ? 0 : int.Parse(dtn.Value) + 1)); foreach (XmlNode xn in xnl) { DataTreeNode n = new DataTreeNode(); n.Text = xn.Attributes["Text"].Value; n.Key = xn.Attributes["Key"].Value; n.Value = xn.Attributes["Level"].Value; n.CheckState = this.ConvertToCheckBoxState(xn.Attributes["Selected"].Value); n.IsEmptyParent = xn.HasChildNodes; if (dtn == null) this.wdtSelect.Nodes.Add(n); else dtn.Nodes.Add(n); } }
Hello Dharmesh,Please provide some basic info like with what version of NA and build is the issue reproducable. Does it appear in all the browsers or in any specific?
Version: 10.3.20103.2088
I have only tested in IE 7. For our application we need to only support IE 7.