Could you please help me in resolving the following error with webspellchecker?
I am using a webspellchecker v 10.3. I have a webspellchecker which is associated with a htmlinput button.
<ig_spell:WebSpellChecker ID="wscComments" runat="server" TextComponentId="txtComment" ButtonId="btnSpellCheck" > <ClientEvents SpellCheckComplete="wscComments_SpellCheckComplete" /> </ig_spell:WebSpellChecker>
on click of button, the spellchecker, it opens the suggestion pop up and when I pick a suggestion and click finish button ,it is getting into error. While debugging ,I found the following exception is being thrown.
window.status="Can't init script for WebSpellChecker";
In the spell check complete clientside function ,checked Text was not changed to the suggested text which I picked from the suggestions.
function wscComments_SpellCheckComplete(oWebSpellChecker, oEvent, uncheckedText, checkedText) { count(); }
Thanks for your help in advance.
Thank you,
Hi Praba,
I have tested this scenario with NetAdvantage 10.3.20103.2217, but I was unable to reproduce the behavior you have described. I am attaching my sample project. In order to be able to investigate this issue further, I would need a small isolated example, demonstrating the issue.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Nikolay,
Thank you for testing the scenario.I will try an isolated example and replicate the issue.
Is your email missing the attachment that you have mentioned.Could you please attach it again?
Hello praba,
Here is the sample.
I suggest that you try disabling the app styling only for the webspell checker. You could do this by setting the EnableAppStyling property of the WebSpellChecker to false.
Please let me know if this helps.
The spell checker dialog page was not rendered properly because of appstyling value in the web.config file.
I have the following line in the web.config file
<infragistics.web enableAppStyling="true" styleSetName="Default" styleSetPath="~/ig_res/"/>
When I remove this line from the web.config file , spell checker works fine and it looks correct.
But I cannot disable appstyling because rest other pages are dependent on ig_res folder for style formatting.
Could you please help me in this?
Hi dpraba,
I checked the screenshot you have attached and it seem very strange to me. In order to be able to investigate this further, I would need a small isolated sample, reproducing this issue.
Thank you very much for the example.I tried the sample,spell checker works fine in the the isolated sample.
But in my project , the pop up page in which suggestions are rendered , it did not have the button 'Change' to replace the mispelled text with the suggestion.It just has the finish button , on click of which the misplelled text is not replaced with suggested text.Please refer to the screen shot in the attachment.
Could you please let me know is there any way to have control of the sugesstion page rendered?
Thank you so much.