I'am trying to add a new row to the child grid and I get "Element cannot be undefined" exception.
1. WebHierarchicalDataGrid has 2 levels of data.
2. BatchUpdating is on. (it's important, if it is off - works fine)
3. AddingRow behaviour has been added.
4. I enter some values for a new row and press 'Enter' after that the error appears
Please check is it a real bug or I do something wrong.
Hi Alexander,
Obviously, your example sounds very simple. But some key points include what browser you are seeing this in, what level you're adding the row in, what your grid actually looks like (the columns), and what version you're running. If you don't have the latest Service Release, I would suggest downloading it. I tried with the latest 11.2 and got no exception in either the parent or child band.If you're able to attach a sample here, that would be great.
regards,David Young
Hi, David!
Thank you.
I've download the lates Service Release, and the problem has come away.
Could you help me with following task:
I want to use UserControl as RowEditingTemplate.
All works fine, the control is shown correctly but there is a problem with data binding, I've done it as shown below, but I don't like it, maybe you could suggest something better:
<ig:RowEditingTemplate > <ClientBindings> <ig:RowEditingClientBinding ColumnKey="SubRuleId" ControlID="subRuleTemplate" GetValueJavaScript="$get({ClientID}+'_txtSubRuleId'). SetValueJavaScript="$get({ClientID}+'_txtSubRuleId').value = {value};" /></ClientBindings><Template> <controls:SubRuleTempate runat="server" ID="subRuleTemplate"></controls:SubRuleTempate> </Template></ig:RowEditingTemplate>
SubRuleTemplate - it is UserControl. it has asp:TextBox with id = txtSubRuleId
I dont like the way I am getting to the edit controls located on UserControl:
The second problem that I can set ControlID = subRuleTemplate only for one RowEditingClientBinding,otherwise I get error:
An EditRowClientBinding linked to the template control with the ControlID = subruleTemplate has already been found. Each column only supports a single binding object to a single editor.