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Access Denied Error

I'm trying to export a webpage containing several charts(Using secure ImagePipes), to PDF format. Essentially what I am doing is overriding the page's "Render" function.

"Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)"

And then convert the page to a file stream using ABCPdf afterwhich I email the PDF.

Recreating this should be an easy enough task.

The problem is that the charts only provide me with an "Access Denied" error. When not using image pipes, (ie; creating the chart directly on the page) the chart images sometimes didn't load and left certain sections blank, which is why I switched to ImagePipes in an attempt to remedy it.

I have updated to the latest version of Infragistics, made sure that the folder containing the ImagePipe has the correct access rights and attempted several other methods, all of which have failed me.

If you need further information, please reply to this post and I will respond as promtly as possible.

